Phillip James supports Movember!

As a facial hair wearing member of society it is my honor and duty to donate to Movember. (for those of you who don't know, Movember is an annual event involving the growing of moustaches during the month of November to raise awareness of men's health issues, such as prostate cancer).

My friend and local artist, Corey Sweeter, is doing something really great this Movember! He is raising money but instead of just asking for donations he illustrated a mustache-themed print of Minnesota's local superhero, Paul Bunyan. 


He is selling these cool prints for $15 with all of the proceeds going to Movember. 

From Mo Bro Corey:


"The print features an illustration of good ol’ Paul Bunyan, who’s shaved his iconic lumberjack’s beard into a sweet mustache, & hand-lettered text that reads “ufda, that’s a sweet stache” layered over a pine tree that even Clark Griswold would be proud to have in his home. Suitable for framing & hanging on any proud Minnesotan’s wall (or for anyone who just loves mustaches, lumberjacks, or mythical giants from the Northwoods), it’s professionally printed with lasers (yep, lasers) on brunette mustache brown colored card stock (really just craft paper brown colored card stock) in lumberjack red (not really a color name) & blue spruce blue (again, totally made up color name). All prints will be hand signed & shipped out at the end of the month."

Next time your stop by our offices you'll see this work of art hanging on the wall!

You can get your print and make your end of year charitable contributions by emailing Corey at or follow him on Twitter @sweeto17.

Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!