Posts tagged financial plan
10 Financial Planning Strategies That Will Help Secure Your Future

If you count yourself among the 72% of the country who consider themselves not financially secure, it's time to do something about it.

At Phillip James Financial, we've helped countless Minnesotans achieve financial freedom. Keep reading and find out about some of the strategies that we've discovered work best for our clients.

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5 Signs That You Are Talking To The Wrong Financial Advisor

The tales of financial advisor fraud are like a car wreck: terrible to observe and impossible to look away. Here are 5 tips for avoiding your own financial wreck.

What is it about the stories of financial advisors gone rogue that captivates the imagination? Take this recent story in the news: a former New Jersey-based financial advisor was convicted of fraud for stealing his clients’ money and using it to pay his own mortgage, dine out, and buy sporting event tickets. In retrospect, the warning flags were there.

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Where Do I Get My Money When I Retire?

Incomplete plans can be disastrous. A man named Carl McCunn learned this painful lesson amid the chilling landscape of Alaska. The wildlife photographer arranged for a bush pilot to fly him to an isolated region hundreds of miles north of Fairbanks. He carried enough provisions for his five-month excursion.

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Just Married and Starting a Family - Role of The Financial Advisor

John and Sally have been married 5 years. The 35-year-old computer programmer works at a major software company, while Sally, 32, works part-time as a freelance photographer and full-time as the mother of a 3-year-old son and a 5-year-old daughter.

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