A capital gain refers to the increase in value of an asset such as stocks, bonds, precious metals, real estate, and other assets. When these assets are sold, the realized gains are taxed at lower rates than ordinary income if the assets are held for at least one year. If the assets are held for less than a year, the gain is treated as a short-term capital gain which is taxed under ordinary income tax rates.
Read MoreEmployee Stock compensation is one of those things that you know you should be doing something with but really only give it any thought when you are forced to do something, like approve an option grant. Even if you aren’t checking every day, you should at least review your total employee stock plan once a year.
Read MoreConfused by the U.S. tax code? You’re not alone. Figuring out deductions, credits, and exemptions rank as some of the most complicated aspects of understanding taxes.
Read MoreAs we near the end of the year and closer to tax time, we see a lot of confusion from small businesses about which tax forms they should use for their annual tax return. We worked with AllThingsFinance.net to create a simple explanation small business tax forms. AllThingsFinance is a personal finance blog about, you guessed it, all things finance, Their favorite quote on their about page just about sums up their philosophy.
Read MoreThinkAdvisor highlights the five best and five worst states from a Kiplinger study on the tax environment for retirees. And guess what...we are number 2 on the worst list. Although this is probably not a surprise for most Minnesotan's it is still not fun to see.
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